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Indian communities celebrate New Year in Singapore


Singapore  April 14, 2014:  Several Indian communities in Singapore are celebrating their New Year.

They include the Malayalees, who celebrated Vishu on Sunday, and the Sikhs marking Vaisakhi on Monday.

Monday is also the start of the Tamil New Year and Channel NewsAsia visited the Sri SenpagaVinayagar Hindu Temple at Ceylon Road to take in the celebrations, as people started the day with prayers.

Many families gathered at the temple early in the morning, before setting off on their normal schedules.

Prayers were not necessarily for better jobs, better pay or academic excellence, but what most seemed to want were a more balanced lifestyle, a peaceful world and to be happy with their families.

This new year will be the "Jaya" or "victorious" year, and according to the chief priest of the Sri SenpagaVinayagar Temple, it will turn out to be a better year than the last.

For those looking for a bright spark in their careers, the Jaya year also looks promising. 

Quote of the day

I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.…

__________Rabindranath Tagore