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TIRUMALA  April 13, 2014: In connection with the auspicious Salakatla Vasanthotsavam, the “Swarnarathagamanam”(procession of golden chariot) along the four mada streets took place in Tirumala amidst religious pomp and gaiety on Sunday.

Lord Malayappa Swamy flanked by his two Consorts took pleasure ride along the temple streets between 8am to 9am. Thousands of devotees chanting “Govinda-Govinda” pulled the chariot with religious ecstasy.

The pilgrims had an opportunity to catch the glimpse of the processional deities on the mighty golden chariot whose majesty enhanced in the bright sun light of the day.

Quote of the day

I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.…

__________Rabindranath Tagore