Online Puja Services

Prabhatha Sukthi:


April 07, 2014: Om tachhan yoraavRiNeemahe Gaatum yagyaaya
Gaatum yagya-pataye Daivii svasti-rastu naH
Svastir-maanushhebhyaHa Uurdhvam jigaatu bheshhajam
Shanno astu dvipade Shan chatushhpade
OM shaanti shaanti shaantiH

We pray so that we may chant in praise of yagnya (sacrifice) and sing in praise of Lord of Yagnyas. May we be granted Divine Blessings. May peace be unto the whole human race. May healing herbs (crops) grow in abundance. Bheshhajam = crops. Let two-legged (humans) & 4-legged (animals) beings thrive and be peaceful and happy. Dvipade- 2-legged; Chatushpade- 4-legged. Peace, Peace, Peace (Peace to the Body, Mind and Soul).

Quote of the day

I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.…

__________Rabindranath Tagore