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Ayushman Bhava: Ayur Facts


March 03, 2014:

*      Ayur means Life and Veda means Science. Which is developed between 1000 & 500 BC? Ancient texts like

*      Rig-Veda mentions about Ayurveda between 1500 & 1000 BC

*      Ayurvedic Classics like Charaka Samhitha & Susruta Samhitha were written around 5th Century explaining various scientific aspects by Ayurveda Acharyas for thousands of years

*      According to Ayurveda life is a synergy of several factors like mental, physical and spiritual.

*      The system is developed on the principles of Tridosha. Perfect balance of Tridosha gives health and imbalance leads to disease

*      Jeevaka a great master, physician, surgeon and pediatrician during the time of Buddha.

*      Ancient Ayurvedic Universities of Takshila & Nalanda between 5th & 12th century AD admitted students from all over the world providing both theory and practical studies.

*      There were specialization subjects like plastic surgery, surgery, general medicine, ophthalmology and gynecology of 7 year term

*      Surgical teachings of Susruta & medicated thread for Fistula are accepted even in 21st century by healthcare experts

*      Ayurveda is popular in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar, Thailand and Malaysia apart from Latin America & African countries.

*      In 1989 Mauritius has recognized Ayurveda through an act of Parliament. Ayurvedic study groups are very active in Britain, France, Germany, USA & Japan

*      There are other oriental systems like Chinese, Tibetan, Unani etc. there are similarities between them and Ayurveda

*      In 1920 Indian national congress passed a resolution Ayurveda as our national system of medicine

*      Govt. allocated 40 Lakhs in first 5 yr plan and increased to 1290 Lakhs in seventh 5 yr plan

*      CCIM in 1971 regulated Ayurveda, Unani & Siddha systems

*      In India there are 100 Ayurvedic medical colleges affiliated to 43 universities imparting uniform five and half year course and 1 yr internship under specialists

*      PG centers are available at Jamnagar,  Varanasi and Jaipur another 30 colleges have been upgraded to impart coaching for 200 PG students every year in various disciplines

*      Ayurvedic remedies are without side effects. About 80% of the Drugs are made from about 1500 medicinal plants

*      All living creatures are composed of mana (mind), atma (soul) and 5 basic elements viz. prithvi, jala, vayu, agni and akasha forms Panchatatva

*      According to Ayurveda human body per se, is small perfect cosmos

*      Yogic practices of treating diseases are divided into 8 divisions they are 1yama, 2niyama, 3asana, 4pranayama, 5pratyahara, 6dharana, 7dhyana and 8samadhi these are covered under swasthya vritta (hygiene & preventive medicine) an integral part of Ayurveda

*      This keeps humans at ease with nature. The approach of Ayurveda is holistic, not just symptomatic.

Why has the average Indian taken to modern medicine pushing aside Indian medicines?

*      The modern man could not approve the mystification of contents of drugs and actual line of treatment

*      The quick symptomatic relief given by the modern medicine without much restriction on eating and other habits

*      Ayurveda is repository of safe and efficacious remedies and a vast collection of precious herbs for common & chronic healthcare problems

*      Ancient Indian culture kept human beings in happiness, not simply in pleasure

Interesting Ayurveda Facts

*      These are time-tested remedies for over 5000 years. More than 5000 Olympic athletes depend on Ayurveda to improve their mental & physical abilities

*      India, China, Europe, USA, Japan and SAARC state heads depend on Ayurveda to maintain their health

*      They provide holistic approach, not just symptomatic relief

*      Recently Russia had a bilateral treaty with India about Ayurveda

*      Ayurveda retorts chronic diseases like arthritis, migraine, gastritis, neurological disorders, skin diseases etc.

*      In 2001 global turnover is US$ 120Billion. India share is only US$ 1 Billion. This will rise to US$ 5 Billion by 2005.

*      There are 600 clinical trials between 1990 & 2000 in 27 Countries

*      In 2000 India exported Rs. 223 Cr worth Ayurvedic Exports to 18 countries

*      All corporate hospitals are running integrated clinics providing Alternative therapies in developed societies

*      For liver disorders only Ayurvedic drugs are prescribed in any part of the World.

*      China is taking about 40% of share in global market

Opportunities in India

*      Health is the 3rd basic need of human race after food, clothing & shelter. Right from the beginning of human civilization, nature taught the man to use naturally available remedies to correct health problems

*      Water, plants, minerals, sunlight, animal products became not only food for survival but worked as remedies, if used properly

*      Today modern man is having no of choices like Ayurveda, Homeo, Natural cures, Magneto therapy, Batch flower therapy, Rekei, Yoga and of course Allopathyto treat various diseases and disorders

*      life span increased from 40 years in 50's to 60 years in 90's and likely to increase to 80 years by the end of first quarter of 21st century

*      To put it in the words of Prof. BM Hegde who is triple FCCP about modern medicine

*      "There is no pill for all ills, but there is an ill followed by the use any pill"

*      So what we need now is pills without any ills. Ayurveda is having pills without ills.

*      Ayur means life and Veda means science, precisely Ayurveda is life science. Practiced in India, China and many more ancient civilizations for over 6000 years. Ayurveda is not just a medicine, but life style.

*      Even as the traditional system of healing finds more takers at home, people abroad are realizing its benefits. Ayurveda goes global. If you look at the herbal market size globally is US$ 120 billion and Ayurveda represents US$ 6 billion in 2001 AD.

*      This is likely to double by 2005. As for as India is concerned the Ayurvedic market is around US$ 1 billion by 2000 AD and will rise to US$ 4 billion by 2005 AD. China is taking nearly 40% of global market; whereas Indian share is negligible.

Quote of the day

A man is born alone and dies alone; and he experiences the good and bad consequences of his karma alone; and he goes alone to hell or the Supreme abode.…
