Online Puja Services

Nila Suktham

Stomathrayasthrimse bhuvanasya pathni,
Vivasvadwathe abhi nom grunahi,
Gruthawathi savithar aadhipathyai payasvathi,
Ranthir aashaa na asthu.

Dhruva disaam vishnupathni aghora,
Asya eeshaana sahaso ya manotha,

Brahaspathir mathariswotha,
Vayu sandhuvanaa vata,
Abhi no granathu.

Vishtambho dhivo
Dharuna pridhvya,
Asyeshana jagatho Vishnu pathni
Visvavayachaa ishayanthi subhoothi
Hiva no asthu adithir upasathe,


Quote of the day

There is a magnet in your heart that will attract true friends. That magnet is unselfishness, thinking of others first; when you learn to live for others, they will live for you.…

__________Paramahansa Yogananda